ERASMUS+ PROJECT “SeaSAFER – Simulation of Sea Accidents For Effective Responses”COMMENCES

Erasmus+ KA2 project entitled as “SeaSAFER – Simulation of Sea Accidents For Effective Responses” commences. The project was applied by Lithuanian Maritime Academy located in Klaipeda, Lithuania ( The project partners are:

  • MARITIME INNOVATORS ( provides online education and training programmes based in Istanbul, Turkey,
  • IDEC  ( is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece,
  • ESCOLA SUPERIOR NAUTICA INFANTE D.HENRIQUE ( delivers  Maritime Education and Training programmes from Portugal,
  • The “Nikola Y. Vaptsarov” (  Naval Academy of Varna is the only higher education institution in Bulgaria dealing with maritime education and training
  • Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy ( is an accredited public institution from Romania

This project focuses on an innovation developed from existing data on accidents/incidents for the creation of a range of scenarios in order to create “Safety Culture” for the education and training of seafarers. The intention of this project is to develop “Experimental knowledge” in order to training seafarers via learning from past accidents and incidents.

Uğurcan Acar, General Manager of MARITIME INNOVATORS stated that “The training programme and the assessment tool that will have been developed will facilitate a SAFETY CULTURE at sea while enabling seafarers to learn from others mistakes. The platform will serve for seafarers in both navigation and engineering discipline and help reduce accidents that are contributed by human errors.”

Erasmus+ KA2 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Project; SeaSAFER will have a duration of 24 months (2021 – 2023). In accordance with the aims of the project. The kick-off meeting of the project will take place through an online conference with the host of Lithuanian Maritime Academy on 14 and 15 April 2021.